The Pros and Cons of Living Alone

The Pros and Cons of Living AloneMost people are afraid of being alone and consider it a depressing and isolating experience. Yet, living alone is part of everyone’s life during one stage or another. Just like every other phase of life, living alone has its positive and negative aspects. Here are some of the biggest pros and cons of living alone.

Pros of Living Alone

Absolute Independence

When living all alone, you have the freedom to do whatever you like, without taking into consideration the needs and desires of another person. You will never be forced to compromise your routine for the comfort of someone else.

Living by yourself gives you the freedom to prepare your favorite dinner and watch the TV show that you enjoy without someone asking you to change the channel.

You are free to wake up whenever you like and to play music at 4 am. Living alone grants you the freedom to take decisions without the interference of someone else.

Feeling Comfortable

Let us face it, when sharing a home with someone, you can never feel completely at ease. You might be forced to sacrifice some habits like strolling around naked or putting on a pair of fluffy pajamas on the weekend.

Cohabitation will often force you to act unnaturally in order to meet social norms or to avoid embarrassment.

Living alone allows you to feel comfortable in your own skin.

Making Household Decisions Alone

One of the biggest benefits of living alone is taking all household decisions alone. Nobody will interfere when you select new furniture, make renovation plans or decide to change your internet provider.

Very often, two people have problems reaching an agreement about the major household issues. Such practical problems lead to quarrels, sometimes major ones. Being alone signifies being independent when considering major issues related to your house.

Financial Independence

Financial issues also ruin the peaceful cohabitation of individuals, be it roommates or lovers. Living alone will allow you to plan financial issues by yourself.

Furthermore, cohabitation often increases expenditures, though you are splitting bills. When living alone, you can make calculations and if necessary – minimize spending.

Cons of Living Alone


Sometimes we all enjoy solitude but living alone will on occasions signify that you will feel lonely.

Inviting friends over and having active social life is often not the same as living together with someone. Your roommate or partner will be there for you 24/7 and will offer comfort and understanding whenever you need them.

Loneliness is probably seen as one of the most problematic issues related to living on your own. Many people try to solve the problem by getting a pet or actively engaging in social intercourse outside home.

No Help with Domestic Tasks

Living alone signifies independence but it also means that you have nobody to support you when dealing with chores and household tasks.

Taking care of a house all by yourself might be very tiring and annoying. Having a roommate to share the burden is much better than struggling on your own.

Financial Burden

Financial independence can sometimes turn into financial burden. Splitting expenses will help you whenever experiencing money difficulties.

Many people decide to live with roommates or friends due to the inability to cope with bills all alone. As pleasurable as independence is, people are sometimes forced to make a compromise for the sake of paying bills on time.


Living alone can make you feel isolated and forgotten.

Isolation and depression could take control if you are experiencing difficulties and you are lacking someone to talk to. Having good friends available all the time is often sufficient to deal with this problem. Yet, you might on occasions feel completely forgotten.

Knowing the pros and cons of living alone and being comfortable with the situation are both going to be essential for an enjoyable lifestyle. Keep in mind that sharing your life with somebody else could be difficult, as well. This big step should be made only if you’re 100 percent certain about it.
