Hair loss has numerous causes. It can result from stress, hormonal imbalance, medications, genetic reasons and nutritional deficiency. Nutritional deficiency is probably the most common cause. Thus, hair loss and nutrition are strongly connected to each other.
Hair Loss and Nutrition: The Importance of a Proper Meal
Most of us lack the time to eat proper meals on a daily basis. The hectic lifestyle forces us to rely on sandwiches, burgers and fast food. We forget about our organism’s need for fruits and vegetables.
Hair needs the useful minerals and vitamins found in food to be thick and healthy. Further, hair consists of protein. The lack of protein-rich food can leave hair weak, lifeless and prone to breakage and falling. A balanced diet is essential for hair fall prevention.
Hair fall is defined as the loss of over 100 hairs per day. We lose some hair on daily basis and this process is natural. Any larger loss is a condition that needs to be treated. Food deficiency can be dealt with easily, as long as you know which types of nutrients your hair needs to grow strong and shiny.
Good Hair Foods, Bad Hair Foods
Nutritional deficiency can be the result of unbalanced diet or serious dieting that aims weight loss. Many diets focus on decreased protein intake. These diets often result in hair dryness and fragility. If the diet continues over a longer period of time, it will most likely result in hair loss.
Hair needs various micro-elements and vitamins. Iron, zinc and the vitamins B and C play important role in maintaining hair healthy. Lacking wholegrain products, dairy products and fresh nuts in your diet will probably result in hair damage and hair fall.
Eggs and fish can also maintain hair healthy. Proteins are also found in poultry and other types of meat. Even if you are a vegetarian, you must consume protein-rich foods in order to enjoy healthy and strong hair.
The excessive intake of oily or artificially sweetened foods can cause hair damage. These foods can result in oily and lifeless hair. Further, the significant intake of such foods can result in more serious health damage and obesity. Hair reflects on the overall condition of the body. If you are experiencing any other health problems, you are likely to have weak and fragile hair.
Iron deficiency can result in serious hair loss. Various studies link iron deficiency to problems with hair. Such deficiency is often experienced by people who avoid foods like red meat, all types of green leafy vegetables, cereals and fresh nuts.
Vitamin C deficiency is harmful to both hair and overall health. Vitamin C is mostly found in lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits and tomatoes.
Even if you lack the time to balance your diet, you should compensate via the intake of nutritional supplements that can benefit your hair, your skin and your nails. Various such supplements have been designed to guarantee hair health and to prevent its loss. Yet, having some fruits on daily basis is much more pleasant and will guarantee that your body gets the diversity of vitamins and minerals that it needs to function properly.
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